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Ensemble Designs BrightEye converters at WSU Washington State University with Dee Ana Bell, EngineerDee Ana Bell, Production Engineer and Chief Operator, Washington State University

Remote classrooms and campus productions

We do a lot of productions from all across the campus, and as we use both new and legacy gear, this has often complicated matters, sometimes requiring signal conversions. As the Ensemble’s BrightEye 90-FA fiber-optic transmitter is also an up/ down/cross-converter, its use has simplified matters for us in this respect. We can now take audio in either analog or embedded formats and send it via fiber back to our main facility. without worrying about hooking up external conversion gear. The BrightEye 90-FA is also compact and very portable, making it easy to take on site where it’s needed and its front panel setup is a snap.

Going HD on campus

We’re also using BrightEye fiber gear at our satellite uplink facility. There we’ve installed a BrightEye 48 receiver with a built-in distribution amplifier that makes monitoring and signal distribution a cinch, eliminating the need for outboard d.a. cards. This enables us to send out sat signals in both standard-and high-definition video formats.

WSU BrightEye Up/down/cross converter for fiber optic delivery of content and conversion of video from legacy equipment for broadcast and satellite distribution

Read the complete case study here